Terminal No. | Name | I/O | Description |
0 | GND | G | Power ground. Also provides thermal connection from the device to the board. A matching ground pad should be provided on the PCB and the device connected to it via solder. 地,同时提供器件向板级散热的路径。PCB板上需要留有足够的铺地露铜与之良好焊接。 |
1 | ILIM | I | Adjustable switch peak current limit. An external resistor should be connected between this pin and GND. 最大限流值设置端,外部接电阻到地。 |
2 | EAOUT | I | Error amplifier output. Connect a 3.3nF capacity paralleled with a 15k resistor to GND typically. 误差放大器输出端。接3.3nF并联15k电阻到地。 |
3,4,5 | SW | I | Boost and rectifying switch input. 升压整流开关输入端。 |
6 | VBAT | P | Power supply for logic. 内部逻辑电源供电端。 |
7 | INL+ | I | Positive input (differential+) for audio amplifier of left channel. 音频左声道输入正端。 |
8 | INL- | I | Negative input (differential-) for audio amplifier of left channel. 音频左声道输入负端。 |
9 | INR- | I | Negative input (differential-) for audio amplifier of right channel. 音频右声道输入负端。 |
10 | INR+ | I | Positive input (differential+) for audio amplifier of right channel. 音频右声道输入正端。 |
11 | ABD | I | Audio amplifier mode selection. Class D is selected when it is pulled low; Class AB is selected when it is pulled high. 音频功放模式选择端。接地时为D类模式,接高时为AB类模式。 |
12 | MUTE | I | MUTE control set. The audio amplifier is muted when it is pulled high. 静音控制端。接高时,芯片进入静音模式。 |
13 | LIM | I | Enable the Limiter Function and select limiter level. 使能限幅功能和限幅值设置端。 |
14 | GAIN | I | System GAIN set. Three GAIN level for select. 增益设置端。 |
15 | OUTR+ | O | Positive output terminal (BTL+) for right channel. 右声道正端输出。 |
16 | PVDDR | O | Power supply terminal for right channel. 右声道功率电源端。 |
17 | OUTR- | O | Negative output terminal (BTL-) for right channel. 右声道负端输出。 |
18 | OUTL- | O | Negative output terminal (BTL-) for left channel. 左声道负端输出。 |
19 | PVDDL | P | Power supply terminal for left channel. 左声道功率电源端。 |
20 | OUTL+ | O | Positive output terminal (BTL+) for left channel. 左声道正端输出。 |
21 | ENA | I | Audio amplifier enabling terminal. Audio amplifier is enabled when it is pulled high. 功放使能端,接高时功放开启。 |
22 | ENB | I | Boost converter enabling terminal. Boost converter is enabled when it is pulled high. 升压使能端,接高时自适应G类升压开启。 |
23 | FB | I | Regulator Feedback Input. 升压调节反馈输入端。 |
24 | POUT | I | Boost Converter voltage detect pin. 升压输出检测端。 |